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Cyber security & training  automated for MSPs

Superior awareness training & cyber risk data
All in one monitoring and reporting. Onboard in minutes.

Lupasafe wins support from Mastercard Strive

Lupasafe wins support from Mastercard Strive

5-Star Gartner Peer Insights

Lupasafe partner logos

Leaders Choose Lupasafe

What IT Leaders and MSPs say

Gert de Fluiter

Partner Schuiteman Accountants and Advisors

"Many entrepreneurs in SMEs struggle with the question 'Am I safe enough?'. With Lupasafe, we work to  guarantee security and reduce and limit the risks of a hack."


IT Director Sobell Rhodes

"I can continuously monitor the team, devices, and security so we’re all safe."




compliance & control

Ruben Schevers

IT manager Hendriks groep

"Thanks to the phishing campaigns, our employees are now better prepared for cyber threats"

Jurry Bouterse

IT administrator, Total Packaging

"Lupasafe provides a reassuring step towards compliance, helping me meet regulatory requirements and secure my systems effectively."

Marc Paus

CISO Mobile World Congress

"We were safer within 10 days."

Pieter Willemsen

CEO, Hupra ICT

“Every company is a potential target because of hacker automation and scale - Lupasafe makes us safer by making vulnerabilities harder for hackers to find."


Recommend Lupasafe

5/5 Gartner Rating

Jelle Witteveene

CTO, Motivo

"Quick results: now we are in control of cyber security"

Joey Visser

STH Automatisering

"Our customers tell us that they have become much more aware of cyber risks. For us, Lupasafe is a great tool to achieve this awareness of cyber risks."

Why MSPs & IT Leaders Choose Lupasafe

Automated cyber security  for data and risk control

Always On E-learning and phishing

90% of attacks start on employees. Get regular testing of employees via e-learning.

20% of staff have shared confidential data within hours of a phishing test

Every month employees start a relevant topic to learn skills they need to keep the business secure.

Risks in Microsoft 365, internal networks and computers

Remote teams? Employee malware? Lost laptops? Phished access to your OneDrive?

Lupasafe continuous reporting shows you all your cyber risks.

Lupasafe uses over 200 API calls and continuous scans of the dark web and national cyber security teams to identify risks to businesses.

Lupasafe dashboard

Evidence your work

Lupasafe reports provide the evidence you need of technology and training to support NIS2, Cyber Essentials, Cyber Fundamtenals or ISO27001, CIS

"Excellent Tool"

5/5 Gartner Peer


Robust features for comprehensive risk management

Lupasafe helps elevate small and medium-sized businesses, MSPs, auditors, and accountants to be safer themselves and champions of cyber security for their clients.
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Targetted phishing and training

Monthly elearning modules

Cyber awareness tests

Standard & custom phishing

Office 365 integration

Dark web scanning

Process optimization

Real time risk alerts

Single truth dashboard

Monthly reporting

Progress report

Easy and securely share with client and partners

Technology monitoring

Domains, router and email vulnerabilities

Domain name abuse

Endpoint monitoring

Internal network scanning

Microsoft365 Cloud Audit


Trusted by businesses and local government




Managed Service Providers (MSPs)

MSPs use Lupasafe's platform to expand their Managed Security Service capabilities and consolidate platforms reducing workload and running costs. 

MSPs use Lupasafe for automated risk dashboards, people training & phishing, risk awareness, and compliance. 

"Lupasafe makes it easy to keep my clients secure." Dave Melin, CEO Amtech MSP

Get MSP demo

Small Medium Enterprise (SMEs)

Lupasafe works with small businesses,  packaging to accounting and audit, to charities, and business associations. 

Lupasafe provides a complete view of risks for people, technology and process compliance in offices, factories, at home, and across supply chains - important for NIS2.

Local government

Lupasafe works with local government and the EU supported Cyber Security for SMEs (CYSSME) to support cyber security training and monitoring.  

In Netherlands Lupasafe is supporting a programme to secure over 800 businesses with local government leadership.

Working collectively ensures greater cyber awareness, and mutual support amongst small businesses who may consider cyber 'doesn't affect them'.  For this type of work Lupasafe was nominated for the Hein Roethof prize for social justice.


Why Choose Lupasafe for Your Risk Control Needs?

Data breach detection

What sensitive data belonging to your firm or clients is exposed to criminals? On average, sensitive data for one out of three employees is found to be exposed. We provide alerts for potential identity theft, phishing, and cyberattacks.

Continuous monitoring for sensitive data being exposed

Insights into breached accounts and passwords

Endpoint security

We collect threat and vulnerability data from various sources such as NVD, Microsoft, CISA, and scout the (dark) web for exploits.

NMAP Framework Integration

Multi-Segment Scanning

Cyber risk dashboard

A single source of truth for cyber risk. Monitoring and scoring provides accurate risk assessment, supports real-time decision-making, and enhances collaboration for streamlined and efficient operations.

Unified Stakeholder View  

Power BI Integration

Real-Time Data and Insights

Elearning & Phishing training

Improve cyber awareness, behaviour, and avoid avoid Phishing. Monthly elearning modules and customized phishing simulations combats the 90% of hacks via that start with people.

Metrics-driven assessments track progress on who's taking part, how their doing, and where to focus next.

Continuous phishing campaigns

Progress tracking on clicks, data

Microsoft 365 cloud audit

Enhance Microsoft 365 security with Lupasafe integration. A responsive strategy with comprehensive cloud scrutiny and continuous monitoring.

Azure Secure Score API Integration

Testing of vulnerable policies